by Karin Fisher-Golton
For my second Amazing May post, I want to tell you about my “go to” amazing thing, and that is the simple and amazing ability to see colors. Really I could say that about an aspect of any of the five senses, but I’ll focus on seeing, and seeing colors in particular.
One day about fifteen years ago, I was feeling discouraged. One of those times I was so low, just picking up my feet and moving forward seemed daunting. Sitting with that, I glanced out my window and saw my neighbors’ bougainvillea–brilliant fuchsia, glowing in the sun. The beauty of that color went right in. It truly brightened my day. I got how amazing it is just to be able to see color.
Many times since then when I’ve felt low, I’ve looked up, let my eyes land on a color, and let it sink in what an amazing thing that is. Sometimes I do it other times too. There are a lot of amazing colors out there.
Thank you, eyes. Thank you, bougainvillea. Thank you, color.
Do you have any colors that stand out to you? Do you have something else you notice with one of your senses that lifts your spirit?
Beautiful music lifts my spirit. as well as beautiful flowers.
Me too, about beautiful music and flowers. When I think of my favorite color moments, so many images are flowers.
This spring I am so grateful to see green again after such a long, grey winter.
Here in California I am also very grateful to see green, but here it is following a yellow/brown winter drought.
The smell of wet dirt after a long cold winter, and also the sound of spring peepers fill up my heart with gratitude and joy.
Thank you! I also savored that wet dirt smell when it came after our drought winter. Oh, peepers–I’m loving remembering that sound.
Birdsong! Each morning when I walk my dog before going to work, I marvel at the songs of the birds. They seem to greet me as I begin my day. I say good morning and thank you to them!
Thank you for adding that! I often must shift my attention to hear the birdsong. When I do, I marvel and feel grateful too. What a lovely way to start your days.