As may go without saying, I am definitely a “gratitude every day” type person, but as the days darken, the nights and mornings get chilly, and the Thanksgiving and December holidays approach, I find this time of year feels like a season of gratitude. In the honor of the season and the two-year anniversary of the book’s release, I am giving away two signed copies of My Amazing Day at Goodreads. The giveaway starts today and ends November 30.
Goodreads Book Giveaway
My Amazing Day
by Karin Fisher-Golton
Giveaway ends November 30, 2015.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
In addition, I am pleased that My Amazing Day is among many compelling books with multiracial connections that will be given away at a Facebook event celebrating the release of Sharon Chang’s well-researched book, Raising Mixed Race: Multiracial Asian Children in a Post-Racial World. The virtual release party is taking place December 11, here:
In April 2014, Sharon Chang posted an in-depth review of My Amazing Day which includes a very thoughtful discussion of the role of race and identity in children’s books. In addition, I loved how she noticed and appreciated so many of the details of our intentions in creating the book. All that, plus the post ends with an adorable photo of her son, at age four, reading the book to their dog! That review (which I love to revisit on occasion) is here:
Everyone is invited to enter our Goodreads giveaway and attend the Raising Mixed Race release party. Enjoy all the coziness and gratitude of this time of year!